Latest Exam Information

We wish your child every success in the forthcoming summer exams and if you have any queries regarding your child's exams please do not hesitate to contact the Exams Officer.

Examinations Officer Tip - Keep your Certificates in a smart and professional folder and take them to interviews. If possible make two folders, one with your original certificates and one with your copy certificates as copies may be requested at interviews by prospective Colleges / Employers / Universities. Never give your originals away and most importantly - Be Proud of Your Achievements

Any Parent or Student that requires any further help or assistance with the above information please call Mrs J Chapman Exams Officer. Mrs Chapman will be happy to help in any way she can: 01492 518215 ext. 202

Mobile phones and smart watches are not permitted in the exam room

Only clear bottles containing water are allowed in exam room (unless the pupil has a HCP which allows other fluids and food)

Only BLACK pens can be used for writing in an exam

External Exams - Summer 2022

Pupils Sitting GCSE, AS, A Level and Vocational Examinations

We want to enable learners to take their exams, well and safely.

If you have any of the main symptoms of COVID-19, you should self-isolate and take a lateral flow test (LFT).
If the test is positive, you should self-isolate for at least 3 full days. Day 1 is the day after your symptoms started. Please report your result.
On day 3, if your symptoms have stopped, take a LFT. If that test is negative, take another LFT on day 4.
If your day 4 test is also negative, and you feel well and do not have a high temperature, you can leave self-isolation to sit your exam. Please report your results.
If either the test on day 3 or the test on day 4 is positive, you should remain in self-isolation and contact your school or education setting.
If you still have a high temperature or feel unwell, you should continue to self-isolate until it returns to normal, or you feel better.
You should continue taking daily LFTs until you get 2 negative tests in a row, taken a day apart, or until day 10 – whichever is sooner. You do not need a negative LFT test on day 10 to leave self-isolation.